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Trying To Have A Boy Baby - 2 Best Hints For Having a Boy Baby Promptly

Carriers of genetic and hereditary material in our bodies are called chromosomes.  The arrangement of chromosomes determines the sex of everyone including your baby ( conceiving a boy ).  The X chromosome of a female is termed as female sperm because women only possess the X chromosomes. The male gametes cells in humans are heterogametic and contain one of two types of sex chromosomes. When fertilization occurs the initial cell from which a fetus grows always inherits one of the mother’s X chromosomes.  Sperm cells determine the sex of an individual for when the Y chromosome of a man meets with an X chromosome of a woman a boy in conceived.  The male sperms are more light and weak than the female sperms. Despite being short lived the Y chromosomes are quick and can swim faster to reach the female tract. Once a spermatozoa reaches the ovum fertilization occurs and the process of making a baby has begun. The outcome of fertilization can be affected by several factors including genetic conditions.

Studies have shown that if you consume a diet of higher calories the likelihood of making a baby boy is higher.

 This research was completed by the Exeter and Oxford Universities and included 740 first time pregnant mothers in the UK ( how to conceive a boy naturally ). The eating habits of the women before they were pregnant and during were well documented for this study. The researchers found 56% of women with the highest energy intake around the time of conception had boys, compared to just 45% among women with the lowest energy intake. Scientists already know that in many animals more males are produced when a mother has plentiful resources or is high ranking. There has been a decline of about one per 1,000 births annually of males in the developed world. The decreased birth of males may have to do with the lesser intake of calories in these industrialized nations. By skipping meals these women hope to maintain their weight with minimal calorie ingestion. Skipping meals can send an incorrect indication that there are dangerous low glucose levels and this starvation like state may encourage girl embryo development.  Pregnant women must increase their usual daily calorie intake by at least 400 calories to conceive baby boys.

 Discover how your luteal phase affects your ability to have a baby boy

The part of the cycle that starts at ovulation and ends the day before your next period is known as the luteal phase ( tips to have a baby boy ). You will begin this phase once you ovulate which happens when a mature ovum is released from the ovary and is available to be fertilized.  The egg is released from a follicle and that follicle will become the corpus luteum.   Without fertilization there will be continued drops in levels of estrogen and progesterone which trigger the end of the luteal phase and menstruation. Once the released egg is fertilized by male spermatozoa the corpus luteum will begin receiving HCG from the embryo. The corpus luteum lasts for about ten weeks after ovulation and after this time the placenta takes over progesterone production through the end of pregnancy. The luteal phase of a woman’s cycle is consistently around 12-14 days long. The length of the luteal phase determines the time of ovulation within your menstrual cycle. If the luteal phase isn’t long enough for the endometrium to mature enough for an embryo to implant this can cause miscarriage. There are disorders that can affect the luteal phase but these can be fixed with progesterone supplements.