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To Conceive A Boy Baby - Two Effortless Strategies To Make a Boy Baby Naturally

If you consume more potassium rich food you can improve your chances in having a baby boy ( click here to learn how to make a boy baby ). Consuming more potassium will help succeed in making your vaginal tract and cervical fluid much more alkaline. Y chromosome spermatozoa that are responsible for making a male baby are more equipped to survive in an alkaline environment. It has been reported that women who gave birth to boys were consuming at least 300 mg more of potassium than were the mothers of girls.  One of the richest sources of potassium are vegetables and baked potato skins with their skins.  Sodium in another mineral that is helpful if you would like to conceive a baby boy. Foods rich in both potassium and sodium include raisins and nuts and figs. The man can also alter their diet to help give the Y spermatozoa an upper hand. By adding more zinc to his diet your partner can give enhance his production of testosterone and his reproductive system. He can get the recommended daily amount of 9 mg of zinc by eating foods such as oysters and other meats.

By studying how your partner’s cycles in reproduction you can improve the likelihood of having a baby boy

The first step of the male reproductive system is to produce spermatozoa and the second step is to transport it safely into the female vaginal tract ( http://howtoconceiveaboynaturally.com ).  Once sperm has reached maturation they will move into the epididymis where they will be able to move after one day. The ejaculatory process starts with arousal and the penis filling with blood and becoming erect.  The first process is the passage of mature sperm from the epididymis into the vas deferens that uses smooth muscle contractions to propel the spermatozoa forward. After the vas deferens the sperm receives a fluid of fructose from the seminal vesicles in order to give them a source of energy that aids their movements. The seminal fluid that is added to the spermatozoa also contains alkalines to help counteract the naturally acidic environment of the vagina. This liquid mixture is propelled forward through the ejaculatory ducts toward the urethra after passing through the prostrate gland. Sperm from the seminal vesicles combines with a thick fluid from the prostate and other glands to create semen. Ejaculation consists of semen leaving the urethra in a man’s penis and being deposited into a woman’s vagina. Only one to ten sperm out of every 14 million sperm deposited naturally in to the vagina will reach the end of the fallopian tube.

You can dramatically increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby if you track your ovulation.

 There are fertility monitoring kits available but they are not always necessary as you can track ovulation yourself ( to conceive a boy baby ). An ovulation calendar helps a woman narrow down the window of time she needs to watch for ovulation signs.  You must know the first day of your last menstrual cycle and the average number of days between cycles as the fertile period begins six days after the first day of menstruation. By following the changes of consistency and color in your cervical mucus you can know when you are ovulating.  If the mucus in your cervical canal is transparent and slightly elastic you are about to ovulate and your chances of being impregnated are higher. Your baseline body temperature changes on the day of ovulation and can be tracked. Expect an increase of approximately 0.4 to 0.8 degrees when you are ovulating. Make a record of your temperature daily because it important to determine your own pattern and identify its change. If you don’t know the length of your menstruation cycles it can make it difficult to track fertility naturally.