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How To Get Male Baby Naturally - Three Methods For Conceiving a Son Speedily

If you increase the man’s sperm count you increase your chances of making a baby boy

In order to achieve fertilization it is very important that the quality and quantity of the sperm is high ( conceiving a boy ). Alcohol poisons the cells in the testicles that produce sperm and eventually reduce the spermatozoa count.  Men who smoke cigarettes are more likely to have low sperm counts so one should try to avoid it. To increase sperm count before copulation the man should avoid ejaculating for a few days before the woman begins ovulating. The father should also avoid warming up the testicles because male spermatozoa are less resistant to heat than female sperm. To avoid heating the testicles the man should wear boxers and avoid hot baths. The best way to create healthy sperm is to have a healthful body so be sure that the man is eating well. Obesity negatively affects sperm quality and spermatozoa count so it vital that he exercises and maintains a healthy weight. Using lubricants such as skin lotions can interfere with spermatozoa movement and should be avoided. Exposure to pesticides and toxins can affect spermatozoa quantity and quality so avoid skin contact with these chemicals.

Male spermatozoa thrive in a vagina that is more alkaline than acidic as a higher pH favors conception of a boy ( conceiving a boy ). You can create a higher pH environment where it is more likely that the Y chromosome spermatozoa will reach the ovum before the X chromosome sperm. Digital pH testers and test strips are low cost ways to test the pH of your vagina easily. An ideal vaginal pH will measure 8.0 to 9.9 on a scale of 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline.  To test your pH you will need to reach into the vagina to touch the cervix and collect some mucus on your finger. After collecting the mucus use your tester kit to examine the level of your vaginal pH. If you find that your vagina is very acidic try douching with baking soda one hour before intercourse. To make an alkaline douche dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda to lukewarm water and wait ten minutes. You can purchase a douche kit from most stores and use it to introduce the mixture into your vagina.  Do not douche too much or you may strip your vagina of valuable bacteria that helps with vaginal health.

Once you start menstruating you are in the follicular stage and this ends when you ovulate ( how to get male baby naturally ).   The length of your follicular phase can vary greatly taking just a week to over one month. Your uterus is very dense and that marks the start of your menstruation. When you have not been impregnated your estrogen and progesterone levels will become low.  When your body realizes that it is not pregnant it will begin shedding the top layer of your endometrium to make way for a healthier new lining. At the start of your cycle your pituitary gland starts producing hormones known as GnRH and FSH.  The hormone known as FSH is important because it tells your ovaries to start preparing follicles for ovulation.   The maturation of the eggs inside the follicles will result in the discharge of estrogen into your body.  Because your cycle started off with low levels of estrogen this release of estrogen from the follicles is how your body knows when it is time to ovulate.  To be sure you ovulate your body will release the Luteinizing Hormone.